
My work is about Thought.

Specifically, it is about epistemology, or, how we know things— how we build thought, and that we all are contributing to this global structure of human thinking. I add my bit and you add yours. My thought mingles with yours and your thought mingles with mine. Together it joins and makes Thought. I elucidate this point of view in both my artwork and my writing, and especially in the joint venture of the two called “talkPOPc”.

In the artwork, I use only one image (Giotto’s The Marriage) to signify this unity. For all images are really just slices from the one so-called objective “picture.” But this unity is camouflaged by our incomplete knowledge, symbolized through the partial and incomplete versions of the Giotto image that is edited and re-edited, painted differently each time.

In the writings, the concerns are often directed at the core of the epistemological venture and the limits of our knowledge, particularly as applied to how we know art, and what it means to make art. Again, there is a unifying point, which begins with the biology of our vision and ends with the act of consensus-building. The philosophy articulates this process.